Cry Baby…

Yeah, so for more days than I cared for this week I wasn’t having a healthy time. I now have discovered the other folly of trying to have an entry for every day of the year: when things are busy or aren’t going well this is going to become an after-the-fact entry like this one, […]

Where Does the Day Go?

Sundays are an absolutely mystery to me because I have no idea where exactly the day goes. I feel like the average Sunday starts around 9 AM and after breakfast I blink and it’s 10 PM already. One thing I don’t mind giving up time for on Sunday morning’s is the watching of the DVR’d […]

Water Heater’d

As I indicated yesterday I was hit with a nasty bit of the vertigo. The world toss’d and turn’t and was generally unkind. This morning things weren’t much better but I was able to at least get up the gumption to shower. I figured the luxury of steaming hot water running over the back of […]


Today was a day where the evil imp in my ear fired up again and wouldn’t let me function like a normal human being. Because this has happened I won’t be writing much else today.

Oooooh, That Smell…

If I hold to this resolution, this mission, the insanity of 365 entries, a full calendar year, documenting my time on the morning commute seems to be a (very foul smelling) fountain of inspiration. If you’ve ever seen the Will Smith movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” than you have seen how, when his character is […]