
Today was a day where the evil imp in my ear fired up again and wouldn’t let me function like a normal human being. Because this has happened I won’t be writing much else today.

Oooooh, That Smell…

If I hold to this resolution, this mission, the insanity of 365 entries, a full calendar year, documenting my time on the morning commute seems to be a (very foul smelling) fountain of inspiration. If you’ve ever seen the Will Smith movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” than you have seen how, when his character is […]

Yet Another Stale Blog

Every day when I’m sitting on a commuter train I inevitably say to myself that, “I really need to write more.” I don’t know what is special about January 14, 2015 but today I decided that I needed to take some action instead of just thinking thoughts. Now, here I sit, text box before me […]

My Glass Isn’t Even Half Full

January 15, 2014 @ 8:10 PM  (Penalty Entry #4) Well, today certainly has been interesting. Around a year ago I joined the @GoogleGlass program. It was cool, it was exciting, it was quirky and for my sponsor it was costly. Everyone has heard by now that to join the Google Glass Explorer Program (fanciest way of […]

So You Want To Start Podcasting….

January 14, 2015 @ 9:58 PM (Penalty Entry #3) Recently someone on twitter reached out to this guy I know to ask about how to get started with a podcast. I’ve written this a few different ways in a few different places, and I know I should really put together an overall guide that people […]