The Cold That Wouldn’t Leave

I believe the above to actually be a misnomer. This thing has to be a flu. It’s too damn strong and too damn stubborn to be just a cold. I’m convinced of this because the wife and I both got symptomatic on Friday of last week. It is now Wednesday and I feel the worst […]


There is nothing more fun and rewarding then getting a head cold during the summer. It’s just one of those things that I always think about with giddy anticipation every time I go searching for this years swim suit in mid-may. You know, as I flip through the suits on the rack I just start […]

I’m Very Bitter Today…

I know that if I were smart I would try to create an interesting journal where I would put in entries that were all light, flippant and amusing. I’m not very smart. Right now I’m very very bitter. All I want to do is be on the air. I’m not looking to make radio my […]

Ring… ring…

There is only one good thing I can really say about having moved to Los Angeles: Telemarketers. I know, you think I’ve flipped my lid. I mean it though. You see, after the Misses and I moved down here our phone number changed. This means that all those databases that we were in that prompted […]

2nd Edition of Useless Ruminations

I realized, in hindsight, that the last posting was never spell checked. Seems a rather stupid thing for a guy to do when he himself often scrutinizes the works of others. !@#$ Tonight I finally got to see the big !@#$ fest on South Park. Mind you I haven’t watched South Park in quite some […]